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Cabinet approves Externally Aided Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project – Phase II and Phase III
About Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project(DRIP)
- DRIP aims to improve the safety and operational performance of selected dams across the whole country, along with institutional strengthening with a system wide management approach.
- The project cost is Rs 10,211 crore.
- DRIP will be implemented over a period of 10 years duration in two Phases, each of six years duration with two years overlapping from April, 2021 to March, 2031
- The share of external funding(World Bank & Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) is Rs 7,000 crore of the total project cost, and balance Rs 3,211 crore is to be borne by the concerned Implementing Agencies (IAs).
- The contribution of Central Government is Rs 1,024 crore as loan liability and Rs 285 crore as counter-part funding for Central Component.
- The Scheme envisages comprehensive rehabilitation of 736 existing dams located across the country.
DRIP Phase II & Phase III envisages the following objectives:
- To improve the safety and performance of selected existing dams and associated appurtenances in a sustainable manner.
- To strengthen the dam safety institutional setup in participating states as well as at central level, and
- To explore the alternative incidental means at few of selected dams to generate the incidental revenue for sustainable operation and maintenance of dams
Project components
To achieve the above objectives, DRIP Phase II & Phase III has following components:
- Rehabilitation and improvement of dams and associated appurtenances,
- Dam safety institutional strengthening in participating States and Central agencies,
- Exploration of alternative incidental means at few of selected dams to generate the incidental revenue for sustainable operation and maintenance of dams, and
- Project management.