Recently a twelve year old Mumbai student, Kaamya Karthikeyan has set a record of becoming the youngest in the world to summit Mt. Aconcagua
About Mt. Aconcagua
- It is the highest peak of the Andes Mountains in
- Aconcagua (22,837 ft (6,962 m)) is the highest mountain in both the Southern and Western Hemispheres.
- It stands in the Andes mountain range, in the province of Mendoza, Argentina.
- It is one of the seven summits and comes in as the second highest, just under Mt Everest. At 22,835 feet, or 6,960 meters high, Aconcagua is the highest trekking peak in the world.
- Its name possibly originated from the Quechua Ackon Cahuak (“Sentinel of Stone”).
- Aconcagua is of volcanic origin, but it is not itself an active volcano.
- It has two summits—north and south—connected by a ridge (Cresta del Guanaco) that is about 0.6 mile (1 km) long.