- MAUSAM is a Mobile App of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India to provide seamless and user-friendly access to weather products available on
- Users can access observed weather, forecasts, radar images and be proactively warned of impending weather events.
- The app’s development and deployment is being led jointly by ICRISAT’s Digital Agriculture & Youth (DAY) team and Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) under the Monsoon Mission program of MoES.
- Meghdoot is a joint initiative of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR) to bring high resolution weather forecast based agro advisories to farmers in vernacular.
- The Agro-Met Field Units (AMFU) issue contextualized district and crop wise advisories every Tuesday and Friday.
- The Meghdoot App allows farmers and interested users to access these advisories in a user friendly manner.
- The advisories are also issued in vernacular wherever available. Apart from the crop advisory, the app also makes available observed weather and weather forecast.
- Damini Lightning apps are developed by IITM-Pune and ESSO.
- The app is monitoring all lightning activity which are happening in specifically for all india. and alert you if lightning is happening near you by GPS notification. under 20KM and 40KM.
- Details description of instruction, precautions is provided in apps while in lightning prone areas.
- Does and Don’t in specific situations is strictly followed when lightning happens near you for your safety purpose.
Source: and The Hindu