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Researchers point to the benefits of Indomethacin in Covid 19 care
What is Indomethacin?
- It’s a drug that reduces pain, fever, swelling, and redness.
- It is also being used to reduce tumor-induced suppression of the immune system and to increase the effectiveness of anticancer drugs.
- It is a type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
- It is conventionally used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, for faster symptomatic relief and preventing progression of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients.
About the study
The study was done in two groups.
- One, involving 82 mild and moderate patients, used the Propensity Score Match technique to compare indomethacin and paracetamol-based treatments.
- And in the second group, severe patients (22) were treated with indomethacin in addition to remdesivir.
What does the study say?
- The researchers have found that patients treated with indomethacin had a reduction in the number of days to become fever-free, and reduction in cough and muscle pain by half compared to the paracetamol set.
- Only one patient of 82 in the indomethacin arm of the first group required supplementary oxygen, while 28 of 109 patients on paracetamol required supplementary oxygen.
- It further says that no one in the second group deteriorated enough to require mechanical ventilation.
- There was no evidence of adverse reaction to indomethacin or deterioration of renal or liver function, they recorded.