In news– The scientists of Indian Institutes of Technology, Ropar and Kanpur and Faculty of Management Studies of Delhi University have developed a living-plant based air purifier “Ubreathe Life” that amplifies the air purification process in indoor spaces .
About plant based purifier-
- IIT Ropar’s startup company, Urban Air Laboratory, that has developed the product claims it to be the world’s first, state-of-the art ‘Smart Bio-Filter’ that can make breathing fresh.
- It has been incubated at IIT Ropar, which is a designated iHub – AWaDH (Agriculture and Water Technology Development Hub) by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
- The results of testing, conducted by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories and the Laboratory of IIT Ropar maintains that the AQI (Air Quality Index) for a room size of 150sq.ft. drops from 311 to 39 in 15 minutes after using ‘Ubreathe Life’,
How does it work?
- The technology works through the air-purifying natural leafy plant.
- It uses UV disinfection and a stack of Pre-filter, Charcoal filter and HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter fitted in a specially designed wooden box.
- The room-air interacts with leaves and goes to the soil-root zone where maximum pollutants are purified.
- The novel technology used in this product is ‘Urban Munnar Effect’ along with patent pending “Breathing Roots” to exponentially amplify the phytoremediation process of the plants.
- Phytoremediation is a process by which plants effectively remove pollutants from the air.
- ‘Ubreathe Life’ effectively improves indoor air quality, increasing the oxygen levels in the indoor space through specific plants like Peace Lily, Snake Plant, Spider plant etc…
- There is a centrifugal fan which creates a suction pressure inside the purifier, and releases purified air, formed at the roots, through the outlet in 360degree direction.
iHub-AWaDH (Agriculture and Water Technology Development Hub)
- iHub – AWaDH is established by the DST, Government of India, at the IIT Ropar in the framework of National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems with time-bound predefined deliverables.
- The hub supports R&D in the domain of Agriculture & Water, and provides incubation resources and support to technology-based start-ups towards sustainable agriculture.