In news–The Prime Minister of India visited the Vidya Samiksha Kendra, a Command and Control Centre(CCC 2.0) for Schools in Gandhinagar, Gujarat recently.
About Vidya Samiksha Kendra-
- It is a surveillance system which tracks enrolment, attendance, learning outcomes, drop-outs, school accreditation and monitors schools, teachers and block and cluster resource centre co-ordinators.
- This state of the art data driven centre is based on the National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) Framework.
- The centre is located in sector 19 of Gandhinagar and is aimed at leveraging data and technology to improve learning outcomes.
- It is a much upgraded version of the state government’s realtime technology enabled surveillance system to “keep an eye” on over 1.95 lakh school teachers that was launched in Gujarat in 2019.
- Established with the aim to improve the quality of education by ensuring teachers stick to their assigned tasks on a daily basis, the system was devised after various discussions and reports concluded that poor monitoring of teachers resulted in absenteeism and “non-seriousness”.
- Even those who monitor them were handed GPS-enabled tablets and tracked through geofencing by which an alert triggered when a mobile device enters or leaves a specified area.
- The entire surveillance operation grew from a staff of 50 dedicated members, hired in equal numbers from the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and the office of the Director, Primary Education (DPE) running a call centre was upgraded in 2021.
- It monitors 55,000 primary and secondary government schools and hand holds 4 lakh teachers to help improve learning outcomes of nearly 1.2 crore students.
- It can track details like the pattern emerging from periodic tests, which student has performed badly in which subject and which question, (which) can be accessed with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Also, the centre is being used for interoperability of data systems – that exist in silos, like student and teacher attendance data, CRC app data, semester assessment, CCC monitoring data, U-DISE, periodic assessment tests (PAT) and so on.
- The CCC came up with a preliminary child tracking system where a prediction or forecast on students most likely to migrate from where to which areas and their possibility of drop-outs can be made in advance.
- The data tracked and analysed include school history of a child right from his migration from which district and school to where, how many times has he changed the school.
- Also, data of students who remained absent from tests or students who scored low can also predict the chances of their drop-out.
- Based on the analysis, the CCC has categorised drop-out of students into two-seasonal migration and result and attendance oriented.
- This data of students is then shared with the Cluster Resource Centre (CRC) co-ordinators so that they can ensure the child does not actually quit school.
- Also, on the students’ performance, teachers can work on areas where students require more clarity by analysing the PAT reports.