In news: Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) celebrates its 34th Foundation Day.
- Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), ever since its inception in 1988 has been making significant contributions as a technology think tank specializing in Technology Information services, Foresight exercises, Innovation support and Technology demonstration programmes.
- The underlying motto of TIFAC activities during the past three decades has been to guide and catalyse national initiatives in Science and Technology.
- The crowning glory of TIFAC is the Technology Vision Exercise being carried out TIFAC as a nation-wide foresight exercise; the first vision document, Technology Vision 2020 was released in 1996 and the sequel Technology Vision 2035 was brought in 2016.
- In addition, several hundreds of technology assessment and techno-market survey reports, technology roadmaps providing in-depth coverage of technology trends, status of technology in India, gap areas and technology linked based business opportunities.
Genesis TIFAC
- Need for undertaking technology forecasting and assessment studies on a systematic and continuing basis was highlighted in the Government of India’s Technology Policy Statement (TPS) of 1983.
- Subsequently, as per the recommendation of Technology Policy Implementation Committee (TPIC) in 1985, Cabinet approved the formation of TIFAC in mid 1986 and TIFAC was formed as a registered Society in February, 1988 under the Department of Science and Technology as an autonomous body.
- It was mandated to assess the state-of-art of technology and set directions for future technological development in India in important socio-economic sectors.
- As a unique knowledge network institution in India, TIFAC activities encompass a wide array of technology areas and fill a critical gap in the overall S&T system of India.
- The organization has carried out technology foresight exercise, facilitated and supported technology development; prepared technology linked business opportunity reports and implemented mission-mode programmes.
- To obtain from appropriate sources and project the estimates of the nature and quantum of the likely demands of goods and services in various sectors of the economy against 10 and 25 years’ time-frames on the basis of a) ‘normative’, and (b) ‘exploratory’ approaches and to suggest the direction and extent of technological changes that might be considered necessary in order to fulfill these demands in the light of the existing or anticipated resource base of the country.
- To prepare Technology Impact Statements, with a view to uncovering the likely implications and consequences, both desirable and undesirable, of the existing as well as newly emerging technologies upon society, indicating to decision-makers, through generation of future-oriented scenarios, their short-term and long-term implications.
- Based on the T.I.F. & A. Studies and with a view to –
- ensuring timely availability of requisite technologies relevant to the needs of the country on futuristic basis and minimizing the time gap between the development of new technologies and their utilization and
- establishing a purposeful linkage between technology development and technology import policies, to identify priority areas of research in relation to the socio-economic, environmental and security needs of the country; to evolve and suggest strategies for technological developments based on such priorities; and to draw up programmes of purposeful research in various sectors.
- In order to fulfill the above objectives, to devise and set up suitable Information Collection, Analysis and Programming groups.
Source: and PIB