Source: Press Information Bureau
STRIDE – Scheme for Trans-Disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved a new scheme – ‘Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy’ (STRIDE)
Objectives of STRIDE:
- To identify young talent, strengthen research culture, build capacity, promote innovation and support trans-disciplinary research for India’s developing economy and national development.
- To fund multi-institutional network high-impact research projects in humanities and human sciences
STRIDE components:
- It will endeavour to identify the motivated young talents with research and innovation aptitude in universities and colleges.
- The Scheme will provide research capacity building in diverse disciplines by mentoring, nurturing and supporting young talents to innovate pragmatic solutions for local, regional, national and global problems.
- This component is open to all disciplines for grant upto 1 crore
- It will be mainly to enhance problem solving skills with help of social innovation and action research to improve wellbeing of people and contribute for India’s developing economy.
- Collaborations between universities, government, voluntary organizations and industries is encouraged under this scheme.
- This component is open to all disciplines for grant upto 50 lakh – 1 crore
- It will fund high impact research projects in the identified thrust areas in humanities and human sciences through national network of eminent scientists from leading institutions.
- Disciplines eligible for funding under this component include: Philosophy, History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Liberal Arts, Linguistics, Indian Languages and Culture, Indian Knowledge Systems, Law, Education, Journalism, Mass Communication, Commerce, Management, Environment and Sustainable Development.
- Grant available for this component is upto 1 crore for one HEI and upto 5 crores for multi institutional network.
- To encourage high quality high impact research in humanities, there is a provision to identify experts and invite them to develop a proposal. UGC is also proposing to provide a grant of Rs 2 lakh for developing proposals
Key features of STRIDE
- STRIDE will provide support to research projects that are socially relevant, locally need-based, nationally important and globally significant.
- STRIDE shall support research capacity building as well as basic, applied and transformational action research that can contribute to national priorities with focus on inclusive human development.
- STRIDE shall support creation, development, and integration of new ideas, concepts, and practices for the public good and strengthening civil society.
- STRIDE will provide support to the innovative research projects that are Socially Relevant, Locally Need-based, Nationally Important and Globally Significant.
- The ten grand challenges facing the humanities in India described in the report to MHRD are part of thrust areas identified for funding under STRIDE
- STRIDE scheme will strengthen transdisciplinary research culture and innovation in colleges and universities and help students and faculty to contribute towards India’s developing economy with the help of collaborative research.
- The focus on Humanities and Human Sciences will boost quality research on Indian languages and knowledge systems.
- STRIDE scheme will help students and faculty to undertake collaborative research to explore these knowledge resources for India’s developing economy.
- It will provide an opportunity to build multisectoral linkages between university-government-community-industry for national development and wellbeing of people.
- In addition, STRIDE will give a major impetus to high impact research in Humanities and Human Sciences.
- Trans-disciplinary research generates knowledge through the use of multi and inter-disciplinary concepts and integrates new theories among science and society