Source: PIB & Ministry of Human Resource Development
A guideline on School Nutrition Gardens has been issued to all states and UTs. It is a place where herbs, fruits and vegetables are grown in the school premises for use in preparation of Mid-Day Meal.
- To help in addressing malnutrition & micronutrient deficiencies by consumption of freshly grown vegetables.
- To give children first-hand experience with nature and gardening.
- To enhance the knowledge of children regarding the nutritional aspects of vegetables and the harmful effects of junk food.
Eco clubs in schools
- The Eco Clubs established in the School shall be headed by the Principal/Headmaster/Head Teacher. Preferably, two teachers per school and one class in charge will assist in carrying out activities.
- All the Students, teachers, and parents of the children may be members of Eco Clubs. The Students Coordinator, in each class may encourage the participation of students.
- The head of the Eco-Club shall be responsible for the execution of the activities of the Club with the help of another Teacher. Plantation activities may be carried out under Eco-Club activities.
- The Principal / Head teacher may be the team leader for the establishment and maintenance of the School Nutrition (Kitchen) Gardens at the School level with the help of students, SMC members, and interested persons from community, etc.
- Under the ‘flexi fund component for innovative interventions’ in Mid Day Meal Scheme, an amount of Rs 5000/- per School Nutrition (Kitchen) Garden may be utilized for purchase of seeds, equipment, compost, etc. on sharing basis between Centre and States & UTs.
A committee under District collector/CEO of Zilla Parishad
A committee may be formed at district level under the chairpersonship of District Collector/CEO of Zilla Parishad with the following members:
- District Collector/CEO of Zilla Parishad -chairperson
- KVK in-charge from the district
- A representative from the forest department
- A representative from Rural Department
- A representative from Agriculture/ Horticulture department
- Child Development Project Officers
- District Education Officer-convenor
The District Magistrate may tie-up with all schools for the setting up of Schools Nutrition(Kitchen) Gardens in every school by converging with concerned local departments, agencies, and experts