In news– Recently, a meeting between Deputy CM Arunachal Pradesh and top National Monuments Authority (NMA) officials took place to decide about strengthening Arunachal’s age-old cultural connect with Gujarat through Rukmini and Bhagwan Krishna story.
About the Yatra-
- It was planned that people from Gujarat visit Bhishmak Nagar and vice versa to increase cultural tourism between far eastern and far western corners of the nation.
- It is aimed at promoting the idea of national unity and Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.
- NMA is aiming for monument preservation and organising a Rukmini Krishna Yatra between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat on a large scale and to promote it at the national level.
- As part of the plan, the NMA team visited the legendary Bhishmak Nagar, ruins of Rukmini palace and met several village elders who narrated a beautiful saga of Rukmini’s marriage to Shri Krishna that is still sung in Idu Mishmi tribal songs.
Legend of Rukmini and Bhagwan Krishna-
- Rukmini was the consort of Lord Krishna.
- Rukmini is also considered an incarnation of Lakshmi.
- She was born in Haridwar and was the royal princess of the Vedic Aryan tribe and daughter of Bhishmaka, a powerful king.
- She valued Krishna above everything else in her life and was deeply in love with him without meeting him.
- Legend has it that she once wrote a letter to Shri Krishna, professing her love and desire to marry Him.
- She said that her brother Rukmi was an enemy of Krishna and wanted her to marry Shishuphala. She mentioned when her marriage would be taking place and suggested that she could be abducted by him.
- It is said that Shri Krishna was deeply touched by Rukmini’s confession and did not want to let her down.
- While his Parakiya Rasa was for Radha, he decided to shower His Svakiya Rasa on Rukmini.
- With the help of Balarama, he defeated Rukmi’s army and abducted Rukmini as per her wish and the two married in Dwarka where Rukmini became his Patrani or principal queen.
- Legend has it that Vāsudeva Krishna first married Rukmini, and then married another seven goddesses, known as the Ashtabharyas.