In news
Recently, National Medicinal Plants Board launched Consortia for Medicinal Plants
The Indian systems of medicines use Medicinal Plants as the main raw material and their accelerated growth is pushing strongly for the demand for medicinal plants. It is challenging to meet the ever-increasing demand sustainably through wild collection. Although in recent years, cultivation of medicinal plants has started gaining momentum, still a significant part of industry’s requirements continues to be met from wild sources. In order to meet the increasing demand for medicinal plants, from both domestic and overseas markets, there is a need to focus on both ex-situ cultivation of medicinal plants as well as in-situ conservation. Both the domestic as well as the export markets are dependent on quality raw materials. NMPB supports end to end conservation and cultivation activities along with good post harvesting. NMPB also envisaged the necessity of connectivity between stakeholders in the supply chain and value chain.
Key updates
- National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Ministry of AYUSH envisages the necessity of connectivity between stakeholders in the supply chain and value chain of Medicinal Plants.
- NMPB Consortia will address/deliberate (not limited to) on Quality Planting Material, Research & Development, Cultivation, Trade of medicinal plants/market linkage etc.
- To establish the linkage between the farmers and manufacturers, a ‘Seed to Shelf’ approach is being introduced, wherein, aspects related to Quality Planting Materials (QPM), Good Agriculture Practices (GAP’s), Good Post Harvest Practices (GPHP’s) would be addressed.
Which plants are covered under NMPB consortia?
In the first phase NMPB consortia is proposed for medicinal plant species – Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Pippali (Piper longum), Aonla (Phyllanthus emblica), Guggulu (Commiphora wightii), Satavari (Asparagus racemosus).
Who can register?
Eligible organizations viz, Farmers/ FPOs/ FPCs/QPM centres/ Seed banks/ Nurseries/ SHGs/ NGOs/ Traders/manufactures/Exporters/Pharma/Research institutes / Agriculture Universities can register to be part of consortia.
About National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB)
- It was set up by the government of India in the year 2000
- Currently, the board is located in the Ministry of AYUSH
- NMPB supports programs for quality assurance and standardization through:
- development of Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACPs)
- development of monographs laying down standards of quality, safety and efficacy;
- development of agro-techniques and credible institution a mechanism for certification of quality of raw drugs, seeds and planting material.
Mandate of NMBP
The primary mandate of NMPB is to develop an appropriate mechanism for coordination between various ministries/ departments/ organizations in India and implements support policies/programs for overall (conservation, cultivation, trade and export) growth of medicinal plants sector both at the Central /State and International level.