About NBHM
- Accordingly, a new Central Sector Scheme “National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM)” for overall promotion & development of scientific beekeeping and production of quality honey .
- The scheme will be implemented through the National Bee Board as a Central Sector Scheme (100% funded by Central Govt.).
- The NBHM will have following sub-schemes/ three Mini Missions:
- Mini Mission-I: Under this Mission, thrust will be given on production & productivity improvement of various crops through pollination assisted by adoption of scientific beekeeping;
- Mini Mission-II: This Mission will concentrate on post-harvest management of beekeeping/ beehive products including collection, processing, storage, marketing, value addition,
- Mini Mission-III: This Mission will concentrate on Research & Technology generation for different Regions/ States/ Agro-Climatic and Socio-Economic conditions.
- The NBHM will work in coordination with other Governmental programs / schemes relating to promotion of beekeeping, viz.; MIDH, RKVY, Honey Mission of KVIC, MSME, NLRM/ SLRM, M/o Rural Development, M/o EF&CC, M/o Tribal Affairs, M/o Commerce & Industry, AYUSH, ICAR, etc., for overall promotion & development of scientific beekeeping in the country.
- The NBHM will provide technical guidance/ advice and administrative support to the implementing agencies at the National & State level for effective & smooth implementation of the scheme.
The main objectives of NBHM
- Promoting holistic growth of beekeeping industry for income & employment generation, providing livelihood support to farm and non-farm households and to enhance agriculture/ horticulture production;
- Developing additional infrastructural facilities for developing quality nucleus stock of honeybees, multiplication of stock by bee breeders, setting up of disease diagnostic labs, Integrated Beekeeping Development Centres (IBDCs)/ Centres of Excellence (CoEs) on Beekeeping, beekeeping equipment manufacturing units, etc. and postharvest and marketing infrastructures, including honey processing plants, storages/ cold storages, collection, branding, marketing, etc. centre, etc.;
- Setting up of State of the Art Quality Control Labs for testing of honey & other beehive products at Regional Levels and Mini / Satellite Labs at Distt. Levels in main honey producing Districts/ States;
- To develop blockchain/ traceability system for traceability of source of honey & other beehive products and using IT tools in beekeeping, including online registration, etc.;
- To develop and facilitate Honey Corridors in potential areas;
- To promote agri- entrepreneurs & agri- startup for their involvement in beekeeping/ Honey production;
- To promote trade- agreements between beekeepers & traders/ honey processors/ exporters, etc.;
- To promote, develop and disseminate latest and State of the Art Technologies and skill development in beekeeping industry for production of honey & other high value beehive products;
- Empowerment of Women through Beekeeping;
- To maximize, economic, ecological and social benefits by diversification through beekeeping by production of higher quantity and good quality of honey and other high value beehive products, viz.; bee wax, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, comb honey, bee venom, etc. for domestic and export market;
- To strengthen beekeepers by developing institutional framework through collective approach viz.; formation of SHGs/ FPOs/ Beekeepers Cooperatives/ Federations, etc