Source: Press Information Bureau
Union Human Resource Development Minister launched the AICTE’s Margadarshan and Margadarshak schemes
Facilitation through Margadarshan and Margadarshak
A) Margadarshan:
- Objectives
- Mentoring to institutes by a well-performing Institute
- The Hub ‘n Spoke system is to be established by an Institute of repute as a Mentor within an existing facility to serve as the hub to guide and disperse knowledge to ten technical institutions to encourage best practices.
- Under this scheme, institutions having good accreditation record / highly performing institutions are supposed to mentor relatively newer 10 – 12 potential institutions. Best practices in the teaching-learning process followed in the mentor institutes are diffused to mentee institutions.
- These institutions are also provided funding up to Rs. 50 lakhs (Rupees Fifty Lakhs Only) per institution over a period of three years in installments for carrying out various activities like trainings, workshops, conferences, and travel.
B) Margdarshak:
- Under this scheme, mentor teachers or Margdarshaks who are either serving or superannuated but willing and motivated with good knowledge of accreditation and who can devote adequate time to make required visits to these Institutions are identified.
- These Margdarshaks will regularly visit to the mentee institutions, stay on their campus and guide them for their improvement in quality so that institutions are able to get accreditation by the NBA.
Selection of Mentee Institutes:
In the 1st phase, institutes having a student enrolment of 70% or more and willing to get mentoring through AICTE’s Margadarshaks, but are not yet accredited are provided Margadarshaks. The remaining institutes can be covered in the subsequent phases. The willingness of mentee institutes is taken.
Criteria for Margadarshaks are:
- Must be a Ph.D.
- Should be from Technical Education (Engg.) Domain
- Min experience 20 years; Not less than 5 years in academics And
- Designation not less than Professor if from AICTE approved institution Or
- Not less than Associate Professor if from IIT/NIT And
- Minimum 10 Research Publications Or
- Minimum 05 Ph.D. Guidance Or
- Minimum 2 Patents Or
- Minimum 2 Books written And
- Member NBA visit team / NAAC visit team Or
- Participated in the accreditation of his/her own department atleast for 2 cycles
- Persons from the industry with a passion for education & who are NBA/NAAC team members
- Applicants should have time to visit institutes
Margadarshak tenure: Initially for 6 months. Extendable on year on year basis