In news– Bharat Electronics announced that the Delhi Metro launched India’s first ever indigenously developed Train Control & Supervision System.
About i-ATS-
- It was jointly developed by the Bharat Electronics & Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), the i-ATS for operations on its first corridor, Red Line (Rithala to Shaheed Sthal).
- Beginning with Red Line, the i-ATS System will further be deployed for operations on Delhi Metro’s other operational corridors and the upcoming independent corridors of Phase – 4 Project as well.
- In addition, i-ATS can be used in operations of other rail based systems including Indian Railways.
- This technology has been developed with flexibility to work with different Signalling vendor’s systems with suitable changes.
- With the launch of i-ATS, India becomes the sixth country which has its own ATS products after France, Germany, Japan, Canada, and China.
- With this development, the country has moved a step forward for an indigenously built CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) based signalling system for the Metro railway.
- The ATS (Automatic Train Supervision), is a computer-based system which manages train operations.
- It is also an important sub-system of the CBTC Signalling system.
Source: Business standard