About End-to-End Computerization of TPDS Operations’ scheme
- As part of efforts being made to bring in reforms in the Public Distribution System and to improve the distribution of foodgrains across the country, the Department of Food and Public Distribution, in association with all States & UTs, is implementing a Plan Scheme on “End-to-end Computerisation of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) Operations”.
- The Scheme was approved by the CCEA in October 2012. The Department conveyed administrative approval for the scheme to all States/UTs on 10.12.2012.
- Implementation: The scheme was implemented on a cost sharing basis with States/UTs under the XII Five Year Plan 2012-17.
- Cost sharing: The costs were shared on a 90:10 basis with respect to North Eastern States and on 50:50 basis with other States/UTs.
- Since some of the States/UTs could not complete all of the activities under the scheme within the timelines of the plan scheme, therefore due to this reason, the Government had extended the validity of the by 1 year (i.e. up to 31st March 2019)
- It is being implemented to improve the efficiency and transparency in Public Distribution System (PDS) operations.
- The scheme comprises digitization of ration cards/beneficiary and other databases, online allocation, computerization of supply-chain management, setting up of transparency portal and grievance redressal mechanisms.
- The Scheme has been declared as a Mission Mode Project (MMP) by the Government. National Informatics Centre (NIC) is the Technical Partner under the scheme.
Components of the scheme
The key components of the scheme on End-to-end Computerisation of TPDS Operations and their respective expected outcomes were defined as –
- Digitization of beneficiary and other databases:
- Correct identification of beneficiaries
- Reduction in inclusion/exclusion errors
- Elimination of bogus/ineligible cards
- Computerisation of Supply Chain Management:
- Minimize leakages/diversion of foodgrains
- Encourage transparency
- Improve availability of foodgrains at FPS
- Setting up of a Transparency portal and Grievance Redressal mechanisms:
- Minimize inclusion/exclusion errors
- Elimination of bogus/ineligible cards
- Facilitation of social audit and ensure that beneficiaries receive their entitlement