Why was it in the news?
- The Seventh Economic Census was launched in the National Capital Territory of Delhi
What is this?
- Counting all entrepreneurial units in the country which are involved in any economic activities of either agricultural or non-agricultural sector which are engaged in production and/or distribution of goods and/or services not for the sole purpose of own consumption.
- In 1976, GoI launched a planning scheme called Economic Census and Surveys.
- It provides detailed information on operational and other characteristics such as number of establishments, number of persons employed, source of finance, type of ownership etc.
- This information is used for micro level/ decentralized planning and to assess contribution of various sectors of the economy in the GDP.
Specialty of 7th Economic census
- The Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MoSPI) has tied up with Common Service Centre (CSC) to carry out the 7th National Economic Census.
- For the first time the entire Census is being conducted on a digital platform by the use of an application which will ensure high accuracy and data security.