- The Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) was introduced by the Government of India in year 1950 to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the domestic industry, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively the industrial production by systematic training, to reduce unemployment among the educated youth by providing them employable skills, to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the minds of younger generation.
- The Scheme is the most important in the field of Vocational Training, has been shaping craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future manpower need, through the vast network of ITIs spread over various States / Union Territories in the country.
- The day-to-day administration of ITIs under the Craftsmen Training Scheme was transferred to the State Governments/ Union Territory administrations with effect from the year 1956.
- From 1st April 1969, the financial control of the Industrial Training Institutes in the States as well as in the Union Territories was transferred to the respective State Governments / Union Territory.
- The financial assistance was granted to them in the form of bulk grant in consultation with the erstwhile Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance.
- Vocational Training is a concurrent subject of both Central and State Governments. The development of training schemes at National level, the evolution of policy, laying of training standards, norms, conducting of examinations, certification, etc. are the responsibilities of the central government, whereas, day to day administration including an admission in ITIs rests with the respective State Governments / UTs.
- Presently, training courses under the Craftsmen Training Scheme are being offered through a network of 15,042 ITIs (Govt. 2,738 + Private 12,304) located all over the country with total trainees enrolled 22.82 lakhs (in the trades of 1 year and 2 year durations) on NCVTMIS portal with an objective to provide skilled workforce to the industry in 138 NSQF compliant trades.
Salient Features of the Scheme
- Training is imparted in 138 NSQF compliant trades.
- ITIs are functioning under the administrative control of the respective State Govts./UTs / Private Organisations.
- The period of training for various trades varies from six months to two years and the entry qualification varies from 8th to 12th class pass, depending on the requirements of training in different trades.
- The institutes are required to conduct training courses as per the curriculum prescribed by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). The admission to the new courses are made in the month of August every year.
- The trainees after completion of the training period are required to appear in the All India Trade Test conducted under the aegis of National Council for Vocational Training. The successful trainees are awarded National Trade Certificate which has been recognized by Govt of India for the purpose of recruitment to subordinate posts and services under the Central Govt.
- About 70% of the training period is allotted to practical training and the rest to theoretical training relating to Trade theory, Workshop Calculation & Science, Engineering Drawing, Social Studies including environmental science & family welfare.
- Training in Govt. ITIs is provided at nominal fee. They are also provided with library, sports and medical facilities etc.
- Syllabi of various trades are periodically revised to keep pace in tune with changes in technology.
- Seats are reserved for SC/ST, OBCs , Differently abled and women candidates as per norms There is a provision of re-affiliation for existing affiliated ITIs for more than 5 years old to ensure standards/norms prescribed by N.C.V.T.
- Work of inspection & accreditation of ITIs has been entrusted to the Quality Council of India w.e.f 1.9.2012 and applications are submitted online for opening of new ITIs as well as addition of trades in existing ITIs.
- Reports of inspection & accreditation, as received from QCI ,are processed at DGE&T HQ and put up before the sub –Committee of NCVT for grant of affiliation.
Admissions to Industrial Training Institutes
- Age : Minimum age of 14 years with no upper limit
- Qualification : The academic qualification prescribed for the trade varies from class VIII pass to Class XII pass depending upon the trade. The trade vise prescribed qualification are given in the list of the trades covered under CTS .
- Selection : Selection of candidates for admission in Industrial Training Institutes start well in advance of the commencement of each session. Admission should be completed by the date of starting of the session. Selection of the candidate: As per the recommendation of NCVT admission in ITI s are to be made on merit based / written examination on the marks secured by the candidate in the public examination of the minimum qualification prescribed for the individual trade
- Prospectus / Proforma for admission : Performa for admission may be obtained from the respective State Directorate dealing with Craftsmen Training Scheme or from the Principal of the concerned Industrial Training Institutes conducting training programme under Craftsmen Training Scheme.
- Start of Session: Session in ITIs starts from 1st August every year. Semester system has been introduced w.e.f 1.8.2013