Important Provisions
Cable television network not to be operated except after registration
- A person must get himself registered as cable operator under this Act, for operating a cable television network.
- However, a person operating a cable television network immediately before the commencement of the Act, may continue to
- do so,-
- for a period of 90 days from such commencement ; and
- till-The is registered under section 4(3), or the registering authority refuses to grant registration under proviso to section 4(3) to him.
Registration as cable operator
- An application for registration as a cable operator has to be made in Form-1 accompanied by a fee of Rupees Fifty Only (Indian Postal Order only) to the Head Postmaster of a Head Post Office of the area within whose territorial jurisdiction the office of the cable operator is situated.
- Registration shall be valid for 12 months and so renewable. The provisions of rule 3 of the Cable Television Networks rules, 1994 shall apply mutatis mutandis to an application for renewal of the registration.
- (The registering authority (Head Post Master) concerned.-
- shall register the applicant as a cable operator and grant to him a certificate of registration in Form 3; or
- may, for reasons to be recorded in writing and communicated in Form 4 to the applicant, refuse to grant registration to him.
Advertisement Code.
- No person shall have a right to transmit or re-transmit through a cable service any advertisement which is not in conformity with the Advertising Code prescribed under the rule 7 of the Cable Television Networks rules, 1994.
- Programmes of foreign satellite channels which can be received without the use of any specialised gadgets or decoder, are, however, exempted from the operation of his section.
Maintenance of register
- It is mandatory for every cable operator to maintain a register in Form 5 prescribed under rule 8 of the Cable Television Networks rules, 1994.
Compulsory transmission of two Doordarshan channels.
- On and from the date of expiry of a period of 3 years from the date of establishment and publication of the Indian Standard by the BIS, every operator shall be under a statutory obligation to use any equipment in his cable television work, which must conform to the said Indian Standard.
Cable television network not to interfere with any telecommunication system
- A duty is cast on every cable operator to ensure that his cable television network does not interfere, in any way, with the functioning of the authorised telecommunication systems.
Programme Code
- No person shall have a right to transmit or re-transmit through a cable service any programme which is not in conformity with the Programme Code prescribed under the rule 7 of the Cable Television Networks rules, 1994.
- Programmes of foreign satellite channels which can be received without the use of any specialised gadgets or decoder, are, however, exempted from the operation of this section.