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Indian Army launches software for infrastructure management
Need for a software
Presently all functions towards infrastructure development and management to include ascertaining availability of land, planning and monitoring of works, environment conservation and responsive quartering policies are carried out manually, which is not only time consuming but is also in-efficient.
The scope of the software package developed includes the following
- To automate works initiation, preparation of list and its approval by the MoD.
- To accord administrative approval and monitoring of execution by the CFA.
- To automate availability of CAO pool accommodation, plan vacation, re-allocation and undertake maintenance.
- To automate approval of accommodation allocation/extention for children education ground, special children and Battle/Physical casualty.
- Manage cantonment roads including emergency closure.
- Make land, works and quartering policies available on line.
- Monitor land encroachment, Old Grant Bungalows, VIP references and transfer/exchange of land.