Source: PIB
Recently the Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers has launched the “APNA UREA – SonaUgle” brand of Hindustan Urvarak&Rasayan Limited (HURL)
About HURL
- HURL is a Joint Venture Company promoted by the three Maharatna Companies i.e. Coal India Limited (CIL), NTPC Limited (NTPC) and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) as the lead promoters with FCIL and HFCL as other two partners.
- With the objective of making the country self-reliant in Urea, the Governmentapproved in 2016 the revival of three sick Urea plants located at Gorakhpur, Sindri and Barauni. The task of the revival of these three Units has been undertaken by HURL.
- The HURL is being looked as a major emerging player in the Urea market due to revival of the three closed units in 2021 having a total installed production capacity of 38.1 LMT of Neem Coated Urea per annum.
- The Company will establish and operate state-of-the-art environment-friendly and energy-efficient Natural Gas based new Fertilizer Complexes with the annual installed capacity of 1.27 MMTPA neem coated Urea at each of the three locations which are expected to be commissioned in February 2021 (Gorakhpur, UP) and May 2021 (Barauni and Sindri). The feedstock to the plants i.e. Natural Gas will be supplied by GAIL under the Pooled Price Mechanism.
- The commissioning of the HURL’s three Units in the states of UP, Bihar and Jharkhand will open forward and backward linkages for business activity in the Eastern part of India.