Why in news?
A team of German Russian scientists has begun the Spectrum Roentgen Gamma Telescope.
What is the use of this?
- It aims at creating a 3D X-ray map of the entire universe.
- It also aims at unveiling hidden black holes, dark energy and stars.
- The period is set for 4 years where it will be 8 times surveying the sky and monitoring the above-listed elements.
What’s unique about this?
- It uses hard X-ray(X-rays with high photon energies (above 5–10 keV) are called hard X-rays.)to map the universe. Due to their penetrating ability hard X-rays are widely used to image the inside of visually opaque objects.
- Dark matter will be traced by this.
- It has no role to play on the gamma radiation.
- X-Ray was also used earlier but it didn’t do exactly what this project intends to do.