Who constituted NTBN?
Ministry of Women & Child Development has constituted National Technical Board of Nutrition (NTBN) under the Chairmanship of Dr. V.K Paul, Member, NITI Aayog, to provide technical, responsive and evidence based recommendations on the policy relevant issues in concerning Nutrition for women and children.
The role of the board is advisory and specific in terms of synthesis of technical, analysis and evidence based recommendations, responsive to the local context.
Objectives of NTBN
NTBN was formulated with the following objectives:
- To make technical recommendations on the policy relevant issues concerning Nutrition for women and children.
- To advise the States/UTs on preventive measures (including behaviour change) and management of Severe acute malnutrition(SAM) children.
- To coordinate the collation, synthesis of existing scientific and operational research, identify research gaps and make technical recommendations for the research agenda.
- To provide technical guidance on the design of nutrition surveys proposed by States/UTs, other sectors and institutions and their coherence with ongoing National Health and other surveys.
- Formulation of India specific growth indicators including stunting.
- Any other issue which may be referred to the Board by the MWCD.
Scientific Sub Committee (SSC)
- NTBN is supported by the Scientific Sub Committee (SSC), co-chaired by Secretary, Department of Bio Technology (DBT) and Secretary, Department of Health Research (DHR).
- SSC-NTBN has been formulated with the objective of giving technical recommendations to NTBN and to identify the research gaps for setting up of potential research agenda.
- Also, to examine malnutrition related challenges such as high prevalence of anaemia, diarrhoea etc. its causes and potential interventions.
The NTBN has examined and finalized the following Guidelines:
- Operational Guidelines on prevention of malnutrition and community based management of severe acute malnutrition (c-MAM)
- Operational Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)