Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is Government of India’s flagship initiative to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. AIM’s objective is to develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors of the economy, provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders, create awareness and create an umbrella structure to oversee the innovation ecosystem of the country.
Atal Innovation Mission
Major Initiatives:
- Atal Tinkering Labs– Creating problem solving mindset across schools in India.
With a vision to ‘Cultivate one Million children in India as Neoteric Innovators’, AIM is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across India. The objective of this scheme is to foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing.
- Atal Incubation Centers-Fostering world class startups and adding a new dimension to the incubator model.
AIM intends to support the establishment of new incubation centres called Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) that would nurture innovative start-up businesses in their pursuit to become scalable and sustainable enterprises. The AICs would create world class incubation facilities across various parts of India with suitable physical infrastructure in terms of capital equipment and operating facilities.
- Atal New India Challenges-Fostering product innovations and aligning them to the needs of various sectors/ ministries.
The vision of ANIC is two-fold: help create products from existing technologies relevant for national and social causes (productization); help new deep-tech products find markets and early customers (commercialization) in the context of India.
- Mentor India Campaign– A national Mentor network in collaboration with the public sector, corporates and institutions, to support all the initiatives of the mission.
Mentor of Change Program is a strategic nation building initiative to engage leaders who can guide and mentor students in thousands of Atal Tinkering Labs and startups and incubators.
- Atal Community Innovation Center– To stimulate community centric innovation and ideas in the unserved/ underserved regions of the country including Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.
The program is directed to encourage the spirit of innovation through solution driven design thinking to serve the society. It will focus on underserved/ unserved regions of the country which at present lack a vibrant startup and innovation ecosystem.
- ARISE-To stimulate innovation and research in the MSME industry.
The program’s objective is to catalyze research, innovation, find solutions to the sectoral problems and subsequently trigger creation of new industrial sectors, through support of Central Government Ministries / Departments.