In news– A function was held to commemorate the success of “SWAYATT”, an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth Advantage Through eTransactions on Government eMarketplace (GeM) in New Delhi.
- It was launched in February 2019 under Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
- It seeks to promote inclusiveness of various categories of sellers and service providers on the portal, by taking proactive steps to facilitate their training and registrations of such specific category of manufacturers and sellers, develop women entrepreneurship and encourage participation of MSME sector and Start-ups in public procurement.
What is Government eMarketplace (GeM)?
- The Government e Marketplace is an online platform for public procurement in India.
- GeM is a section 8 company setup under the administrative control of the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, for procurement of goods and services by Central Ministries, State Departments, PSEs and Autonomous Bodies.
- The initiative was launched on August 9, 2016 with the objective to create an open and transparent procurement platform for government buyers.
- Social inclusion is a core value at GeM and is focused on increasing participation from under-served sellers who face challenges in public procurement.